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Monday, November 2, 2009

Royal Crown

首先对不起各位, 真得很对不起,由于公司专卖佳节礼篮,所以这一连串的佳节里忙得喘不过气,就算做得出新的作品,也没时间把照片上传。这一次为了配合Pipit Annivesary,心想一定要对得起自己和主办当局,所以决定要把自己应该要办的事办好以配合Pipit. 接下来,会继续上传有关新的作品。现在,先把Royal Crown摆上来咯~

Firstly, i would like to ask for apologies from you guys for the non update blog, due to my busy daytime job as a graphic and web desiger, i was under pressure with ton of works for every up coming festival.

The crowns showing below, the item which i always want to try to creat, i have tried few times but doesn't success, because i cant manage to figure out the right way to do it. but sometime life is just full of surprise, when you actually give up on trying, whoala! the idea coming back for me to creat them, of cause, im happy, haha~


ZetA said...

最近看我的blogger link里没看你更新。


a hippy said...

不好意思,从七月开始就一直忙忙忙,白天的工作太忙了,过了新年就辞工,专心从事手工了,是的,都是手工做出来的 :)

Jun Yue said...

wow!!! Very nice~ will see you there and check the crowns out! ^ . ^